Member zone


If you’re reading these words, you might be looking for information to become a member (you’re in the right place, just a bit further down 😉 or perhaps you’re already a member, in which case, welcome to the Musicride members’ community 🙂

Musicride is a water sports club recognized by the FFSNW (Fédération Francophone de Ski Nautique et de Wakeboard), which allows you to be insured for water sports worldwide until December 31 of the current year.

TO BECOME A MEMBER, it’s very simple: You can pay your membership fee of €65 at the front desk when you come to Spin or by bank transfer to Musicride asbl at account BE12 3630 4189 9592 – communication: membership + current year + first name and last name of the member.

At Spin, you can have a prepaid account at the bar through which you get a 10% discount on drinks. In the shop, you also have a basic discount of 10%.

In this area, you can book your sessions immediately, benefiting from the member rate. You also have access to products and services reserved for members, such as the sunset session on certain evenings from 8 pm (when the cable closes to the general public 🙂 ) until sunset. You also have the option to rent the 2.0 without an instructor.

As a Musicride member, you also enjoy discounts with some of our partners like BillyWake and Mega Fun House Boardshop.

You have access to subscription plans, certain events reserved for members,…

You will receive the Musicride newsletter to keep you informed about all this 😉

See you soon on the water

Reservations at the member rate

Are you under 18 and interested in competition?

Take a look at our preparation program!

Member Rates

Membership Fee = €65/year (valid until 31/12 of the current year)


11 x 1h
190,00 €
11 x 2h
280,00 €
Season pass
750,00 €
Season pass – student price
650,00 €
Year pass
900,00 €
Year pass – Student price
750,00 €

Member prices

1 hour big cable – member price
19,00 €
2 hour big cable – member price
28,00 €
Day pass – member price
50,00 €

* The rate includes: access to the ski lift, safety equipment (mandatory life jacket and helmet), as well as introductory equipment (kneeboard and water skis).
The rate does not include: wetsuit and wakeboards (see equipment rental below).

** Only available outside opening hours.

15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour

*The rate does not include an instructor/pilot, and the pilot must be a member.

Our partners

🎿 Winter Sessions – Janvier & FĂ©vrier ❄

Cet hiver, le téléski sera ouvert les week-ends de 13h à 16h, mais uniquement sur réservation faite au plus tard la veille à 18h.

👉 Comment ca marche ?

Si aucune rĂ©servation n’est faite la veille avant 18h, le tĂ©lĂ©ski restera fermĂ© le lendemain.
Si les premiÚres réservations commencent à 14h, le cùble ouvrira à 14h et non à 13h.
Nous ouvrirons mĂȘme pour une seule rĂ©servation.
Exemples :
📅 Vendredi Ă  18h : aucune rĂ©servation > cĂąble fermĂ© samedi.
📅 Vendredi Ă  18h : rĂ©servations dĂšs 13h > cĂąble ouvert Ă  13h.
📅 Vendredi Ă  18h : rĂ©servations dĂšs 14h > cĂąble ouvert Ă  14h.

⚠ Pense Ă  rĂ©server tes sessions pour profiter de l’hiver au Spin ! 🌊